
Lost your job – How to manifest a new one!

Seeking a new job – is it possible to manifest it? In my opinion, absolutely, and let me tell you why!

I’m a big believer in what you focus on is what you get. I’ve proven it to myself a million times over (both in the positive and the negative) and I’ve witnessed others doing the same.

When people reach out to me they are often in fear, they’ve lost their job, or for any other reason they need a job …… and fast.

So in this frame of mind what are they focused on?

(a)    Finding an amazing new job that they’ll love, visualising themselves going to work every day and so happy and grateful that they’ve found an amazing new job


(b)  Thinking about what’s going to happen if they don’t find a job ASAP, such as who’s going to pay their mortgage? What if they can’t get as much money as they were earning? How will they survive? Or simply, I’ll never find a job right now, after all, the market’s not great at the moment.

I can tell you, most people are thinking that latter.

They may start off positive but when they don’t have something within a couple of days, fear takes over and the ‘”what ifs” start playing in their head.

I heard the saying once, worrying = negative goal setting and no statement could be more true.

If your mind is focused on the “what if” and not the “want” – then the “what if” is what is likely to come to you. It’s the Law of Attraction coming into play.

The Law of Attraction

Life has a habit of giving you exactly what you focus on the most.

You get to choose whether you focus on the amazing new job you’re going to get or spend your time worrying about what’s going to happen if you don’t find that new role quickly.

In my experience, and from interviewing too many candidates to count, I can tell you most job seekers are experiencing so much fear that they can’t stop thinking about the worst case scenario.

I had the loveliest candidate who had been “trapped” in the temping/contract game for a couple of years. She was a really lovely girl, with a great attitude towards work, but she just couldn’t get that permanent job.

Everyone was looking at her resume and deciding that because she had temped for a couple of years, there must be something wrong.

Now with 20 years of recruitment experience under my belt, I can tell you, she was a good quality candidate. I knew it in my bones, but trying to convince clients of that didn’t seem so easy. When interviewing this candidate, you could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice and in the language she spoke – she felt beaten, she had almost given up on the hope of ever finding an amazing permanent job. Then we had a chat!

I thought, she may think I’m crazy but I know if she changes her mindset she will find a fantastic job.

I spoke to her about the Law of Attraction, what you focus on is what you get.

I helped her realised that she was focused on NOT being able to find a permanent position instead of focusing on finding that elusive permanent position.

I gave her examples of my own experiences, of where I had spoken to other candidates about a similar thing and it had worked for them, and that no matter how ‘out there’ it sounded, she should just try it …. What harm could be done?

By the time she walked out the door I had her promising me she would listen to a Louise Hay audio book that I swore would help her get in the right frame of mind and I could see that glimmer of hope in her eyes.

The Perfect Job

I had the perfect job come in for her. I knew she was “the one”. However, despite telling the client she was such a strong candidate they chose to see someone else.

Call it intuition but even after my client said no, I could still see this candidate working there.

So I called the candidate and said, ‘unfortunately the client wants to interview someone else first so it wasn’t a definite not but wasn’t a definite yes either’.

She was disappointed but not surprised. I asked her had she been doing what we’d spoken about, those positive affirmations, visualising herself receiving the phone call from me telling her she’d been the successful candidate in this great role and surprise, surprise …… she just hadn’t had time.

Yep, she was still in the mindset of NOT being able to get a permanent job. I spoke to her again and once again she PROMISED me she would do her positive visualisations and change that mindset.

You know what, she did, and within around 24 hours I received a call from the other candidate pulling out of the interview and guess who the client now wanted to interview?

You got it, she had an opportunity to interview with the client. She was in competition against another candidate but all of a sudden she had hope, real hope, that maybe this Law of Attraction stuff did work and she ramped it up.

She saw herself going to the interview and performing the best she ever had. She visualised herself going to work there every day, happy, loving the job, loving the people she worked with, you name it and she got the job. She’s still there to this day and absolutely loves it.

Now, was it a coincidence or do you think she helped to create her own reality?

Changing your Mindset

Change that mindset. Focus on the amazing opportunities out there that you can attract into your life.

I know sometimes it’s easier said than done, but just try it because if you can master this then I promise you, the results will be all you’ve hoped for.

See it, feel it, hear it like it’s already happened! See yourself accepting that amazing new job, one that you love, great money, awesome team, perfect career opportunities and everything you want.

Feel it – how will it feel when you get that amazing new job?

Hear it – what would you say to yourself, who will you tell first, what would you say to them, what would you hear people saying to you.

Many people know about the law of attraction and in their mind they THINK they are focused on that amazing new job and how wonderful it’s going to be, but they may think of that for a short period until their fear takes over and once again they are focused on the negative of what will happen if they don’t get that job. Watch your thoughts, make sure you are aware of what you are really focusing on!

If what they say about the Law of Attraction is true – what you focus on is what you get. If you focus on this amazing new job you are attracting into your life, and it feels like you already have it, you are well on the way to accepting that role into your life.

Trust me, it works!
I dare you to try it.


And when your fear starts taking over, change your thought patterns, don’t let it take a hold.

Do whatever you can to get rid of it. Start visualising what you want, where you want to be, feel it like you’ve already got it. Seek help, seek a counsellor, go see a kinesiologist (my go to), just do whatever it takes ….. you can do this!!!

If you’re looking for that dream job, or the perfect candidate, get in touch with us today at Volare Recruitment – call 07 3018 0508 or go to



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